Latest news from Greece: "November 17".

Hello guys!!! :smiley:

I am not sure if it would be of any interest to anyone here, but anyway I feel happy :smiley: about it and I’m going to post it.

“November 17”, one of the most notorious terrorist organizations in Greece and responsible for the murders of many innocent Greek and foreign citizens, is about to get “out of business”.

For 27 years, those bastards, have been spreading fear and death. For 27 yeras they have always been one step ahead, humiliating the authorities.

Well, NOT ANYMORE. Last weekend, they made a mistake and now they are starting paying for all their crimes. A bomb exploded in the hands of one of their assasins while he was trying to plant it, in Peiraeus harbour. The guy survived and gave to the police who arrested him, some pretty juicy informations.

For the last days the police are raiding all the organizations “safe houses” (I guess they aren’t safe anymore, he, he). There are roumors that 2 or 3 lower in hierarchy, members have allready been arrested and they are now cooperating with the police, to save their asses!!!

I will come up with more news soon…

That’s great! :smiley:

Geia soy patrioti

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