I was trying to use the Lattice deformation in Blender 2.42A and keep getting an error message that “Modifier disabled or returned error, unable to apply”. Anyone know of any issues with this?
I haven’t experienced any problems with it (My most recent build is Nov 06 though).
Are you fully familiar with Lattices or is it possible you’re doing something wrong? Does the same file work in earlier versions of Blender? Can you explain step-by-step what you’re doing and/or post a blend file?
I was actually following a tutuorial from the old documentation that was linked from the Blender.Org site, they had a particular tutuorial for the lattice tool.
Maybe the tutorial is old? Because when I have an object selected and then select the lattice modifier, nothing appears on screen, and then if I am in object mode and hit apply, I get the error message that I wrote in my first post.
AndyD, your first statement was correct, I was not fully aware of the Lattice functionality. I found a more complete tutorial in the blender wiki, and got lattices to work. Thanks for your reply.
In the modifier where it says Ob: you need to enter (exactly) the name of the lattice object that you want to use.
The apply button is for removing the modifier while"freezing" its current effect on the mesh. You’re getting the error because the sw doesn’t know what lattice you want to apply.
Edit: Glad you found your answer. Ain’t the wiki grand?