I try to learn Lattices and I follow the “Introduction to Lattices for Blender 2.4+. I add a mesh, add a lattice, selecting the mesh, F9 / modifier panel / add modifier / Lattice, In the Ob: panel I enter the name Lattice and it is accepted. All is fine up to here but when I try to modify my object, I can only modify the Lattice; my object remains untouched. Any help here?
You have to modify the lattice in Edit Mode or it doesn’t affect the mesh. Which tutorial are you following?
The tutorial is “Blender 3D: Noob to Pro/Basic Animation/Lattice”. I do try to modify the object in Edit mode but as I said nothing happens, the Lattice is modified but not the object. When I try to select the object alone, it also selects the Lattice which means to me that the lattice and my object are connected. Thank you
Several things you could check:
Are square “Enable modifer…” buttons next to the modifier’s name still activated?
Is the lattice close enough to the object to modify it?
Are you sure you added the lattice modifier to the object, and not to the lattice itself? (A lattice can modify itself, strangely enough).
It’s pretty much impossible for the lattice and mesh to both get selected with a single right-click, unless there’s something wrong with your graphics card settings or shift key. They are entirely different data types that can’t be joined like meshes. Are you box-selecting with B key?
I wrote the tutorial you’re following so I’m interested to know the cause of your problem - but I can’t guess, beyond trying some of the things CD38 mentioned.
If you can post a blend file somewhere, I’m sure we’ll get it sorted out pretty quickly.
A lattice can modify itself, strangely enough
Now that’s just dopey :eek: It’s like putting a copy constraint on an object and making itself the target. Looks like a coding oversight to me.
Enable Modifier is activated and the Lattice is close enough. I did use BKEY to select the object. AndyD that is a very good tutorial you wrote; how can I post a blend file and which blend file.
Perhaps the attached file may help to explain my problem (I am not familiar attaching files, therefore my blend file may not be here - sorry)
You may be editing the cube mesh and not the lattice, because you’re box-selecting with B-key and the cube is active object. It’s better practice to use the right mouse button to select in Object mode. Look in the lower left corner of the 3d window to see the name of the currently active object.
You can’t attach .blend files here, only certain image types. For blends people use various upload sites like savefile.com, or uploader.polorix.net.
You object must have enough vertices so that the lattice can work on thoses
So you may have to sudivide your object first before using the lattice to change the shape of your object !
You object must have enough vertices so that the lattice can work on thoses
So you may have to sudivide your object first before using the lattice to change the shape of your object !
No. A lattice will modify any size mesh, even if it’s reduced to a single vertex or modifying a one-vertex group.
Lets see if that works. Try this link to see my lattice file
Thank you
You incorrectly added the modifier to the lattice. Make sure you have the fork object selected (it’s currently called ‘Cube’) and add the modifier to that. Again, use RMB instead of B-key, and watch the indicator in the lower left corner to see what object you’ve selected.
To remove the modifier from the Lattice, select the lattice and click the big X in the corner of the modifier panel. Otherwise your deformations will be much bigger than you expect.
Thank you CD38. I deleted the existing modifier as you said. In object mode if I select the fork (cube), the modifier panel says “add modifier to cube”. If I select the Lattice, the modifier panel says “add modifier to Lattice”. I choose to add the modifier to the cube. Now what name I should put in the Ob: box of the modifier? If I put “Cube” I get the error message “Object must be a Lattice”. If I put “Lattice” it is accepted but still cant modify my object with the Lattice. Thanks for your help
Look in F9 buttons, Links and Materials tab, in the “OB” field with Lattice RMB-Selected. It should say Lattice or Lattice.001 or somesuch. You have to type that into the Modifier field exactly; Uppercase, decimals and zeros not o’s.
I finally did get it to work. All following steps are in Object Mode: Delete existing modifier and Lattice, Add new lattice, Scale / Move the lattice as needed over my object, Increase the U,V,W to 4, Select my object with RMB (now Lattice is de selected), In the modifier panel I add Lattice modifier, In the Ob: box I typed “Lattice” and now I can shape my object as I want. Thank you all
here’s a note from original Doc on the fork exemple
The only important detail is that it has been subdivided enough to ensure a nice deformation in the Lattice step. You cannot bend a two vertices segment
you cannot bend a one edge side - First you need to subdivide it for the lattice to work on it!
That’s what i met