
I feel that allowing polictions to pass laws and amend amendments, never serve the indivisial and only undermind there polictical agenda. The rate America is going, it’s falling closer and closer into an authoritarian society. The authority itself is a threat tour the position of our liberty, with no one right to challenge it, it will only fall one liberty at a time.


i think the goventment over here do it just takes ages because it’s got to go through the house of lords etc.

Aggghhhhh!!! Law… :frowning:

Absolutely! The ability of a house of elected officials to make decisions based on a majority vote is the only reason our government isn’t a dictatorship. Checks and balances (even if they become skewed at times) makes sure that no one person has the power. The president is not all powerful. He is part of the executive branch whose only power is to enforce laws. The legislative branch’s only power is to pass, amend, or rescind laws. The judicial branch’s only power is to check the constitutionality of laws. Provided these balances don’t become “unbalanced,” this system actually does work. Now granted, some people (like myself) favor a less centralized government. This is why we have elections, though. If you want your opinions represented in Congress, by golly, go out and elect someone who holds the same (or a similar) opinion. Bad politicians are elected by good people who don’t vote, so some who feel misrepresented have only themselves to blame. Our nation’s authority is not a president or a Congress, but a constituency that actually cares.
(Note: This is not pointed at you, Al_Capone, if it may have looked like it. I’m just speaking generally about this topic).




Just curious Al Capone, who, if not Congress, should make laws?


Anarchy. Interesting. Uncontrolled looting, people killing others for no reason, old men carrying on physical relations with five year old girls.

Yup. No government, and ultimately no police force (which is what a lack of government would produce) sounds like a great idea.

Plus, I have a personal reason for not going the anarchy route. There are people that would kill me if it were legal, and with no laws they would undoubtedly act on it.

I don’t know much about america but in australia every system has checks in place so no-one can take over:

The Laws made in parliment have to be approved by the senate, and then by the G-G to become law. Unconstitutional laws can be appealed in a court. Ditto with state laws.

The police can go arrest anyone they think is a criminal, but the courts decide if they reallty are. This decision can also be appealed.

There’s probably other examples too, but i can’t think of them at the moment.

Um, the ideal here is stop government passing bills and admendment and have the majority of an election to pass them instead, in my opinion this will slow the special interest and delution of the constitutional rights while reservering our liberty. As for your view on check and balances you aren’t aware of what the check and balance is, the check and balance isn’t refer tour congress but tour the people, read the “Citizens rule book” Do a search on google to find it, the book is also on the web.

Election of the people.

Anarchy. Interesting. Uncontrolled looting, people killing others for no reason, old men carrying on physical relations with five year old girls.

Yup. No government, and ultimately no police force (which is what a lack of government would produce) sounds like a great idea.

Plus, I have a personal reason for not going the anarchy route. There are people that would kill me if it were legal, and with no laws they would undoubtedly act on it.[/quote]

Anarchy has to do with social justice and radical changes, people are born as Anarchy its the view and rules of socity that prevent us, Anarchy isn’t really about violents, but Anarchy serve many people well, Anarchy will only work where there is no threats of invasion from other countrys or group that are small, native americans and tribes were Anarchiest, but when monarchy took all that away, only the polictical systom that there is today will provide, no not just Democracy.

I vote Anarchy. If someone pisses you off you can beat the crap out of them.

dont see why you’d want it then valar, you wouldnt last long :wink:

Mon-archy = One-ruler
Demo-cracy = People-ruler
An-archy = No-ruler

That’s all it means.

I’d have me a nice 20 gauge shotgun, giving everyone who got near me a surprise.

You don’t understand, it’s not about serving the individual.

I’d have me a nice 20 gauge shotgun, giving everyone who got near me a surprise.[/quote]

A 20 gauge would be a bad choice though. It’s not that big, and being a shotgun, the range is terrible and the ammuntition is heavy and bulky. You would be better off with a compact, semi-automatic, small-caliber assult rifle, one but prefferably two sidearms, a knife, and a thin piece of steel cable a couple feet long. On the sidearms, it would probably be better to use a 9 or 10mm as you get decent power and good capacity as compared to something like a .45.