Layer Painter - Material Editing With Layers - RELEASED

Hi Joshua,

I’m not getting very far with LayerPainter and finding it quitting often while following the full tutorial.

I am using Blender 2.82a

I have installed LayerPainter layer_painter_1.2.1 then removed it after some crashing. I installed layer_painter_1.2.1_hotfix_1 but without any success.

I have sent you a message on your gmail.


I’ve answered you there

I’ve been having issues like this although not related to the Layer Painter add-on.

Without de-railing this thread too much what kind of system you’re using?

You can read the issues here.

Hm ok yeah that might be the cause. You should report a bug if you are more certain that this is the case.
I just recently upgraded, now I’m using an rtx 2060 and an amd ryzen 5 3600

I’ve just had a solution to light pixels around painting with the help of @0451 in this post.

Working on a new addon!
This is an addon that lets you create other addons with nodes! No python required!
It’s still in a very early state and we’re looking for people who are interested in testing it.

If you want to check it out and have a play with it, join the discord server here:


Hi. Can we have load texture from library button not only on main channel but in mask tab too?

No not right now. You need to open it individually

Hi, Joshua

Is it possible to edit the mapping of other individual Mask like the Texture Mask?


The button you circled should do that

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I knew it work for “Texture” Mask (so i circled). My question is that can you make the button also available for other procedural masks (i.e checker mask, rust mask). So that we can make more variation of the mask layer. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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Oh sry. Yeah that would be possible, it just requires exposing the mapping values to the node group.
You can actually do that yourself if you want.
Just navigate to the addons folder and open the nodes.blend file. There you will find all the node groups.
Then go find the mask groups you want to have the mapping values for and go inside them. If they don’t have a mapping node yet, just add it and connect the inputs to the group input. When you now open a new file with layer painter enabled the masks should be showing those values


Thank you, I will try it.

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Ohhww…you’re special. Tha’s really awesome.

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hi there Joshua,

I folowed the tutorial in the addon, and seen some basic tuts by some youtubers promoting this addon. But for some reason I find this addon now to be very difficult to actually use in a predicable way. Yes, I can change the colour of the albedo channel, (allthoug in a current project it doesnt even do that anymore??? … but as the height channel, and other masks are a big obscurity to work with, that I almost feel like its an addon for only the well seasoned blender user. Is there actually somewhere a good / other intro to using the basics of layer painter other then the tutorial in the addon?
Because now its unusable to me, sorry to say.

Thanks for you patience,

I can only help you if you have a specific question. There’s the documentation, but that’s mostly text, so it will probably not help you too much.
If you have a question I’m happy to answer you. You can also join the discord where there are more people that can help you out:

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thanks Joshua,

I re-edit the post…

This is really a problem. I too have bought the add-on but never have been able to use it efficiently. It needs some step by step good video tutorials. Otherwise it will remain usable only for some few people who have a high level of expertise in Blender’s use.


I don’t have time right now to do in depth tutorials like that. In my opinion the addon should be good to understand if you have some understanding of how blenders materials and texture painting works. Of course that might not be correct, I can’t speak for everyone.
If you have any specific questions then I can definitely help you but if you just don’t understand the concept of the addon then I don’t know how what I can do right now, sry.

Hi Joshua!


For me the whole point is to understand your product, and maybe I need more knowledge of the way blender works, but I presume I do have enough.

What sometimes happens , (and I begin to get more of a grip right now by a tutorial of an Indian guy on yt, called pixel adventures) Is that what you see in the picture that is attached.
I have albedo checked in layers and channel, however when trying to change color, or white/ darkness , it just will not change it… and why?
The height thing I can change but not the color… can you please explain?
