Learn Blender in depth - with the most comprehensive handbook to date

Hi guys,

just a heads up: While Blendernation is featuring my book, there is a summer discount happening: 33% off the RRP of the book. You don’t need to enter any discount codes, its price is reduced as soon as you click on “Get it!”

One last hint: Every reader of my book will get my Blender 2.8 book (scheduled to be released at the beginning of 2020) for 50% of the RRP - more on this later via twitter and mail.

Links are as always: :link: Click here if you want to read a very comprehensive review about it from Phil Gosh, or :link: here if you want to beam yourself right onto my book page.

Thanks so much for your support and great reviews, you make me super happy!


Watching this topic in anticipation of the 2.8 version.


Hi Tom,

Any updates about the 2.8 version of your fine tome? It still says here and on your site “beginning of 2020” so I was curious if you had a revised date.


Hi B_Layer,

thanks for asking and making me aware of my duty to update the site, will do tomorrow!

I had a pretty chaotic time that started at the end of last year where my wife told me that her love for me died (which led to a divorce, happening right now) but I am right here, writing it with all the power that I can summon.

At the beginning of this year, I updated the current book with a very extensive section about how to report bugs the right way and I’ll release a last update for the current book in hopefully 3 weeks which will cover Eevee extensively. (I know it’s a 2.8 topic, but I promised it to my readers and I’ll keep my promises - everything is possimpible with Blender :smiley: )

The new book will not cover 2.8, it will most likely target 2.9 (and even mark the sections that changed to the LTS version) - so it will be super up to date! But it will - as you noticed - not be ready now, but instead at the Q4 2020!

Btw: My readers will also get the 2.9 book for 50% off - as I also promised!

I hope that answers your question - don’t hesitate to ask more if you need more info!



Oh, jeez, man, that’s harsh. Sorry to hear that. The book can wait. :cry:

The rest of your message sounds great, at least. :slightly_smiling_face:

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