learn using Blender 2.5x from scratch - for newbies and others

hi all…

i found a good page for blender newbies and others to learn the many options and features of blender 2.5x,
by watching Lession Unit and Tutorial Videos, PDFs and Exercises.


it looks and sounds very professional for me.
every thing is well, clear explaned… without overload and overhead.

i like it. :yes:

it is a great site. infact it is the official tufts university corse. it is a professional site for free, you just dont get the college credits for learning. but if cg is the feild you choose as a career they look at your demo reel much more than your resume or transcripts. all employeers what to know is who is the best results not who has the best pedigree.

but beginners shouldn’t be beta testers. they wont know when its a bug and when its user error. beginners should stick with stable builds.beginners should assume its a mistale on their part and try to correect it, not have to wonder if its a mistake in the software.