Thanks for the warm welcome everybody!
RogerWickes: Thank you very much!
The guy from MSU? Are you talking about this guy?
It looks like he has several plugins he’s working on, and in fact, at the moment I’m building my code by putting it in the same directory tree as his plugin distribution package:
If it’s someone else I should know about, please let me know!
Once I get my code a little more finished and polished I’ll probably put it under GPL or whatever, so anyone who wants to distribute it will be welcome to do it! I may also put together a distribution of my own plugins, depending on how many I write before I get bored…
I also have a web site… um, well, a web server. If I compiled Apache, it could probably be a website. I’d get around to that if I’d stop playing with Blender!
Fuzzmaster: Thanks! I’ll try to get at least the first one released as fast as I can, hopefully in a week or two.
BlackBoe: Oooh, I don’t think anyone’s ever called me classy before! I’m honored!
greboide: I promise I won’t forget to share; that’s more than half the fun of writing code like this! I really want to see what other people will be able to do with my code, particularly since there are so many talented people here!
Cyborg Dragon: I don’t know what the Blender team has planned for the plugin API. There’s a comment in one of the files that says: Since the plugins are about to phase out, we will not sanitize this
code. It will be removed as soon as the replacing system is in
However the file is dated 10/2002, and the latest RC release appears to have exactly the same plugin API, with one added function call, so I’m not sure what the current plans are. Architecturally, my first plugin has two sections, a “distort xyz coordinates” section and a “make funny shapes” section, so it could easily be implemented as a pair of plugin material nodes, which is I guess what some other 3D programs do. But I tend to find the node thing a lot more confusing, as a newbie, and the simplicity of the basic textures somewhat more appealing, because I can just pick a texture from the popup menu, then click the buttons until I make something pretty!
But I guess the Blender people don’t like them, or prefer not to add a bunch of built-in textures, or something, since the plugin distribution package mentioned above has all kinds of cool stuff that hasn’t become part of the regular distribution, and I don’t know why. I also haven’t looked at the blender code enough to know how painful it is to port a couple dozen texture plugins into the core Blender distribution, so there could be tech issues as well.
Once I learn a little more I’ll have a better idea of how best to harass them!
Whew! Anyway, thanks again everyone!
Oh, and I guess I’ll share a quick test image I threw together last night… all textures done with my first texture plugin. The test pointed out a couple of flaws, since I couldn’t do exactly what I wanted with the sky or the water, so I’ll tweak the code a little, but what the heck, I’ll share the results anyway!