Left_handed with wacom

Hi guys, i try a lot of time to use wacom in blender. I am left-hand and for a lot of shortcut is difficult…
Do you know some tips for left-hand?

I am also Left Handed. Move your keyboard over to the right really far! :wink: Make sure your Wacom is set on Left Handed Mode and setup the buttons as custom shortcuts. I have them currently as modifiers, ie: alt, shift, ctrl. I don’t use it all the time as I’m still faster with my mouse + custom keys on my mouse. But when sculpting and such I’m down for the Wacom. I have yet to be able to animate with my Wacom.

Don’t they have left handed keyboards? Maybe it’s time to invest.

All they do is put the Numpad on the left. Not really useful for things like G, R, S, etc

Just to bring this topic back from the dead. I use my Wacom tablet with my left hand and i was able to use AltGr, right CTRL and Right Shift (in various combinations) with my right hand to pan, zoom and rotate but with Blender 2.8 (full release) i can only use left Alt, Ctrl and Shift?

I might have changed a setting previously, i can’t remember.

Any ideas?