Say if I were to have simply hit print screen while viewing the webpage of my grades, edited it, saved it as a .jpg, then embedded it into a .htm in order to fool my parents, or somebody else’s, into thinking the grades were better. Would that be considered illegal?
It depends on the country and its laws.
A school certificate is generally an official document and altering it would be “forgery of documents”
In some it’s illegal to do it in any case, in some only if you use it for any legal action, in some if you earn a benefit with it, some have 1 year jail as penalty, some dire monetary penalties and 5 years or more in prison.
You have to ask yourself what sort of person you would become if you start your adult life by lying to your parents and forging documents. Is this really who you want to be?
For some things like contracts, even your signature is required to your natural style. So you can’t do different handwritings all the time for different contracts. You just have to wait until it all unravels, it will happen in due course, but are you willing to ponder all those seconds for the countdown, never knowing when it will happen ? The stress and anxiety isn’t worth it.
what are you trying to accomplish by doing that? Misleading people just damages your credibility later on. Especially if you’re trying to fool your girlfriend’s parents. (I’m presuming that’s what you mean by “somebody else’s”)
We make many mistakes in our lives, but we do not make THOSE mistakes.
My brother told me to use one of his art works towards my own GCSE gallery way back in the mid 90s, because he wanted “the best” for me. But it was a lie and my teacher and class mates were applauding my brother NOT me. I completely regretted it, and since then I’ve stubbornly never taken credit for something I am not. If others cannot accept me for who I am then that is their loss and not mine.
Whatever reason for this thread, I strongly suggest you think about what I and others have said, BEFORE you make a big mistake. Whatever mistake that is…
You are only as good as your word,
I have regretted “over fluffing” myself in the past.
We are all a work in progress,
This progress is halted by falsehoods.
Eat the punishment, and use it to remind yourself, Do better!
People have jumped on their own swords to preserve their code.
People have jumped on their own swords to preserve their code.
Hahaha, BlePrintRandom, I immediately thought “that is extreme for some lines of python”… lol
Legalities schmegalities! Tell the truth. If you just didn’t try hard enough, if you think you have an issue, if you think it’s BS or if you just don’t care…just tell the truth.
Ermmmm… your parents will find out, you know. Not only that you failed, but that you lied. Why not spend more time studying? :eyebrowlift2:
I don’t actually mean to sound like the “old phart” that by now I actually am, but I’m damm-proud to say that I “blew the academic doors off” of my colleges, making the Dean’s List each and every time, and that it served me very well in life to have done so. If you try to “cheat” in this way, my good man, you are only cheating yourself, and in a way that you really can’t afford. This is true in academics, and in everything else. Better to have learned that sooner.
It’s okay to run into academic trouble … school is hard, and it’s supposed to be. I flunked my first calculus test. :eek: (But aced the class. I don’t accept failure in myself.)
The lesson-to be-learned here is that you are the one in harm’s way, so you must be the one to do something about it such that the problem actually goes-away and does not return. Teachers (and I know this, because I’ve been one …) will often move-mountains to help those who ask. But, “if you don’t care about how well you’re doing, then neither must I.”
The distance between success and failure is five columns on an op-scan sheet: about an inch and a half. My number-two pencil has made a little black dot in both columns. The student decided which was which.
I was just wondering. Im not going to do it. I dont even go to school lol. But yea. You guys have a good amount of moral fortitude…
So you’re just another f-ing troll. Got it, GoshFather. Any other sharks you’d care to jump?
this section is called “off-topic chat”. And Orinoco, please don’t call me a troll… Im one of the most dedicated blender heads out there. Make something with blender that rivals this: THEN you can call me a troll.
So what if this forum is “off-topic chat”? Or what you choose to call yourself. Or what your work product is. Do you think people who work with Blender are somehow immune from trollery?
If you act like a troll, I’ll call you a troll.
I never really knew what a troll was. So I decided to look it up on wikipedia and here is what I found.
“In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[SUP][1][/SUP] by posting inflammatory,[SUP][2][/SUP] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), eitheraccidentally[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP] or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[SUP][5][/SUP] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[SUP][6][/SUP]”
All I have done was post a topic unrelated to blender in the “off-topic chat” section, which is exactly what this section is intended for. There is no trolling involved with this action.
Now by definition, you are the troll. You are “starting arguments/upsetting people”. You are a troll because this thread is about the legality of forging online grades, and you are “posting inflammatory, extraneous, and off-topic messages” by insulting me for no reason at all. If you act like a troll, I call you a troll. Not only are you a troll, but a hypocrite as well for calling ME a troll. Find a better definition for a “troll” that describes what I have done. THEN you can call me a troll (:
By the way, Orinoco, I like your “3 bottles in a window”. Especially the bottle on the very right. It looks pretty real. But I’m getting off topic.
Now in the fear of getting banned from this awesome site for senseless arguing. I suggest that Monster removes this thread so we can all get back to blending.
Here is another word for you to research: disingenuous. No, never mind. Just go back to being your awesome self, GoshFather.
You said what I was thinking.
GOSHFATHER I don’t know how old you are but it is very clear to me you have some living to do yet. Your lack of experience with the “real world” shows in your attitudes and the things you say. As a former Navy non-commissioned officer I used to have young people in my care turning them from “fresh boots” to fleet sailors. I recognize the attitude. None of that makes you a bad person, just misguided or unguided. Your first priority in life is to figure out where your ethical and/or spiritual “true north” is and determine for yourself how you want people to perceive. Totally not giving a sh*t about how people perceive you is not smart. Especially if you any aspirations for a career.
“Life’s tough. Life is even tougher if your stupid.” – John Wayne.
All I have done was post a question unrelated to blender in the “off- topic” section which is the appropriate place for it. Then reacted to an undeserved inflammatory statement. Name for me what I have done that is wrong and I will surely apologize for it. That’s the last time I post in the “off-topic” chat section thats for sure
It was not explained in the OP that you were presenting a ‘hypothetical’ scenario completely unrelated to reality, and only later did you clear up the fact that you had not done this forgery and fraud.
If you had made that clear to begin with, maybe things would be seen differently, as well as the responses you got.