Legion in front of Petra - Blender Animation CGI

Yay. Double feature.

Oh I must have goofed up there :man_facepalming: Well, heā€™s now in the super exclusive club of double-featured artists :wink:

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I got exited I tought It was an update of this super nice work!

Nice trick @bartv :smiley:
now preasure is on @juVFX to do a nice update on the post :smiley:

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Ahah, I donā€™t know if itā€™s that goodā€¦

Awesome! :slight_smile: reminds me of that Unreal Engine 5 demoā€¦

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Great work, well done.
A few remarks though:
Legionaries are very identical, a bit of variation in pieces of equipment or height would be great.
Legionariesā€™ hands donā€™t hold their pilum properly, they merely touch it, all in the same way. A bit of variation would be welcome.
Where is the equipment that each soldier should be carrying since they are not in combat?
Judging by the angle, the soldiers are emerging from a cliff, highly unlikely. I guess this is where cinematic drama takes over realism, and without knowledge of the configuration of the site, this last point is not going to be noticed by the average viewer.
Anyway, good job.

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This scene is so great I shed tears. No joke. This kind of re-enactment is the reason why I started learning CGI by myself. I admire you. thank you for posting.

Very Amazing!! Very amazing! SUPPPER
I love the Arabic music :heart:
I went to that place many years ago, so beautiful!