Lego Blocks Explode Immediately

Not sure if it’s a geometry issue or what, but can someone look at this and tell me why my stack of lego blocks explodes when immediately starting the simulation? There’s space between all of the objects and the shape is set to “mesh”.

Thanks in advance.

Title Intro - Test 01.blend (6.7 MB)

Hi, i took a quick look into ur .blend and my guess is that the parts of a lower brick that intersect with the bounding box of an upper brick are too complex for proper collision calculation?
I made a quick test with a concave object that sits on a convex object (like brick on brick), the upper object pops off the lower
like a rocket…


physics_test.blend (435 KB)

oh, and you a have mesh modifiers on the bricks… maybe you wanna try to apply them? Not sure if the physics engine
handles them correctly?

Ya, that’s definitely got to be it. When I take your larger cube and flip it upside down the simulation runs just fine. I know a work-around so I guess I’ll go that route.

Thanks for taking a look.