lego like scene

Originally, I made a tree object for my series of practice objects. Someone told me it looks like a lego tree and I agreed. So it influenced me to make a house and lego like person to go along with it. This isn’t meant to be highly accurate. Just fun.


Good job! I love when things just happen and a little comment changes the whole way to proceed. It makes modeling fun. Kinda like an adventure your not so sure where it goes. I had someone make a comment on a forum (Blender Newbies) when I did a rubber duck and sent me down a completely hilarious path a little while ago. It was a blast. I hope you are having as much fun with this. Keep it up. Have fun!

Looks just like lego. A nice change from all the futuristic sci fi stuff.
Even though I like futuristic sci fi stuff, and have done some myself.

Nicely done for someone who is hew to blender. I would suggest looking at a lego man, though, because your little dude has some odd proportions. Also, on the legs, do you know that you can apply setsmooth to individual faces? At the moment the round bits on his legs are still solid. You have a more updated picture of this on your site though, why didn’t you post that one?

Keep blending!