I’ve decided to revisit the project that originally got me interested in 3d, a lego man. 2 years ago when I first started learning blender it was to model and rig a lego figure to composite into live action footage. I plan to finish my original project.
Here is a wireframe and a picture of the figure rigged.
The arms are waaay too thin, but it’s a solid start otherwise. Take a look at the proportions- model it from photo reference; it’s the best way to get something more realistic
Been a long time since I posted on this thread, but recently I got an assignment in my animation class and got a chance to put my Lego models to some good use. The assignment is a short 30 second to 1 minute animation. Here is the first still render.
if you don’t want your lego man to be the centre of attention, but rather the chap in the background, i would suggest rim lighting the lego man. that way, it is apparent that he is there, but his features aren’t distinguishable…
Well the animation was due today. I spent all of yesterday outside of class working to get it done. Here it is.
Note that I did not spend much time at all on lighting or texturing. But I welcome any and all critiques. The animation is not the best but a definite improvement upon my previous work at least in my opinion.
1st: hahahah, my first reaction!!! The part where he goes up the elevator is sweeettttttt! Poor guy!
2nd: ok, so the lighting needs a lot of work, but if you improved since your last one, that’s always good! Maybe now you can light it with a little more time, it would be great to have this in a “totally finished” version. Another thing, something is a bit weird when he gets out of the elevator to the ground again… maybe because the textures are very similar, try to make the elevator another colour
I honestly thing is a good work, keep it up and blending, you’ll improve your skills without even noticing it!