LEGO Minifig adventure

This is a community project, and hopefully will last a long time.

Nearly anything can be created in Lego’s, so there is no limits to what may happen in this adventure!

The actual progress thread is in the artwork wip section, because my college blocks the gaming section and at home I have dial-up.
Hope it is not too much of an inconvenience.


well what exactly do you need help on building?..

What type of game is this?:slight_smile:
Has it got a storyline?

Nice lego models:p

You should have just asked the mods to move it.

…He cant post pictures at home…Well he probably could but he doesnt feel like waiting for awhile because of his dial up…

I really love the style of this game!

It’s awesome!

no no no…try EPIC!

It is a side-scroller adventure game.

You should make it an Isometric game. Rather than sidescroller. Iso games can still have the 2d look, the camera angle never changes, it stays at a 40 degree angle

I’m not familiar with “Isometric games”. What are they exactly?

Here’s some examples. The second one is made in blender!

I don’t think I have the skills for something like that yet. Maybe next time.:wink:

thank you Killer! I now know what I’m going to do with my simple grid pathfinder! An isometric game wouldn’t be too hard. hmm… what sort of characters…(walks away, thinking of grand ideas that shall become a badly textured WIP sitting in my hard drive…meh, maybe I’ll get somewhere with this, it could be really fun!)

another good example of an isometric style game that came to my mind right away was diablo2

Or RedMoon

Age of empires 2 and conquerors

Isometric is a type of visualisation that puts emphasis on the top and sides of the object. Its actually quite easy to set up in blender.

  1. add a camera
  2. go into the edit panel and select orthographic
  3. press num[7], num[2] * 4, num[6] * 3
  4. press ctrl + alt + num[0]
  5. parent camera to player

I believe the camera in the default blender scene is already set up for isometric visualisation, you just have to go into orthographic mode. I could be wrong though.

Then just use grid based movement. Like a lego plane. That would be awesome. If you tap forward he moves forward one unit.

Is there a way it interact a grid in python? Or would you have to make an empty at every grid block? There should be python to get the grids subdevisions.

I’m not planning on making this an isometric game, but thanks for asking/hijacking my thread.:slight_smile: