Is there a way to turn a model into lego bricks ? There is for fluid but can’t find for regular model, want to make something like the image without building each brick …
How bout Retopo?
I thought there was some way of doing this, but can’t find anything. There was a tutorial on importing Lego, but not sure about converting as you’d need a point for each brick and then get the position just right.
Just wondering, (been a while since I did the lego fluid thing), could you create particles off the object then have a brick per particle?
Remesh Modifier set to Blocks, at the end of the video. This will give you a square blocky type model, the blobs ontop could be done with a small cylinder and particle system on upwards facing blocks. May not give a perfect result but it’s the best I can think of without a lot of manual work.
@espr3ss0 AndySC I think has the right answer. You may have to break the objects down to individual sections to get a good look but I did just that for my little Star Wars Luke speeder scene I did a while back. I modeled everything smooth then I just added a remesh to it and adjusted it as needed to get the right amount of blocky look I was going for.
Thinking a bit further, you could take the face size then model a few different blocks (flat/sloped top, 2x2 blobs etc) then use particle system to assign them to different faces where you want them.
Awesome, nearly perfect thanks peeps.
Yeah, that was my train of thought but was thinking the high detail mesh would make that difficult, but doing the remesh first would make it much simpler.
Tried as suggested but can’t find a way of doing it …
This will give you a square blocky type model, the blobs ontop could be done with a small cylinder and particle system on upwards facing blocks.
Google LEGO studio 2.0 and then build the scene you want and then export into a format blender can use. There is a lot of cleanup involved but that’s how you do it.
Amazing tool. Thanks for sharing