Leica M2

Leica M2 made in my “free time”.
Blender 4.0, Substance Painter, Photoshop.

More renders here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xD9KwX


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


The detail on this is incredible!! :smiley:

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thank you, I’m glad you like it :slightly_smiling_face:

High quality artwork!
You did a very impressive work with the textures! Pretty cool!


thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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I am on my knees because of your Texture work.
Hats off and a deep, deep bow from me. :clap:

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thank you! :slight_smile:
@vectorian awww, thank you so much! L(


very nice work

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I’m blown away! Feels like I could just reach out and pick this up.

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Wow sweet materials!!!

Can is ask what your workflow and settings are to go from BLender AGX to Photoshop?

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Thank you @intipazo and @Corvus!
@rombout thanks, I’ll try to post a breakdown process on my Artstation soon. I’m just using high contrast in AgX and exporting my renders in png, nothing fancy. :slight_smile:

The model is good, the texturing is what makes this though, it’s top tier quality and elevates the model to a truly realistic example. Fine work.

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Very Good!!

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@Fire_Angel, @ReginandesLins thank you!