Lenght length variation on hair children

So this is the model i’m working. As you can see, it has a lot of children hair. But the lenght is all the same. I tried to change it using these sliders but they just give one lenght variation, and not many, as it is with real hair.

Captura de Tela 2024-12-25 às 21.26.27

I know that hair materials aren’t that difficult to set up. I was wondering if it’s possible to make a hair material that when mixed with a transparent shader, make (in a randomized way) the tips of the hair transparent, therefore creating the illusion of different lenghts. Can anyone help me with that?

Hi, use the randomize size:

i tried, but it’s not working. Maybe it’s a bug? i’m using the latest sable version :confused:

Is it the same with interpolated?

Yes, sadly. I’m using mac, this can be a thing maybe, i don’t know