Lengthening IPO Duration

I know i can slow down the speed of my Armature actions in the Actions editor window just by selecting all the yellow points and scaling them over say twice the number of frames

But can i do this for the IPO that makes my character move ?
So the overall effect is of a person running in slow motion.

Any idea if i can do this without having to redo the whole IPO ?

                      Thanks for any help.

if i understand you correctly, yes.

you can scale the IPO curve in the graph window, select the curve for the translation and then scale away as normal.
Hope thats what your after :stuck_out_tongue:


So i should select the curve, put it into edit mode, select all ? scale and the spacing of the points should keep the same ratios,

I had a little try before, selecting all the points of all curves at once but things started rotating in the wrong directions, more work needed i think.

OK, igot it, hey it`s been a while,

select all ipo`s, press S and move mouse slightly in the intended direction and hold down Alt to constrain in that direction.

Dumb questions ? i got hundreds of them.

                          Thanks,   see ya.

Dumb questions are the paving stones on the road to enlightenment.

I`d done it before but had forgotten how as it had been so long,

As they say, it`s better to maybe feel embarassed for a moment whilst asking the the question than be ignorant all your life.

It may or may not be easier to do the scaling in ‘key’ mode in the IPO window. In the IPO window hit ‘k’ the keys will either be gold (unselected), or yellow (selected). You can use the border select, ‘b’, or ‘a’ to select all. This can be handier when rescaling time as you don’t have to be careful of getting all of the little vector handles.

Thanks, i`ll give it a try sometime.