Let's have a picnic

Here are some renders for an upcoming tutorial. (to be published soon)
Created with Blender & Graswald.
Enjoy !

Jarek D. (DJ)


this is an amazing work man
liked the deatils on the grass and the scene

Glad you like it.
The grass is made with Graswald Addon - great stuff.
Soon I’ll post some more stuff with it.
And a YT tutorial on making this scene.

Jarek D (DJ)

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The basket seems difficult to model.

actually it’s not that hard.
Check out this tut of mine to get the idea :slight_smile:

Jarek D.(DJ)

The scene as a whole looks very good and I admire your ability to work out how to model the basket! to add further realism, I feel that you should add more irregularities to the basket. As-is, it is so perfect, it feels a bit unnatural.

Good point.
Thanks for the advice,

Jarek D. (DJ)

you can watch the tutorial here :

Jarek D (DJ)