Lets talk about bullet physics in Blender 2.8

There are a lot of things that would be cool. But this is clearly far beyond being reasonable. This would take a massive effort which is useful in very, very few cases. It would make absolutely no sense at this point to waste development time on something like this.

Edit: Everything that has been discussed regarding Bullet is already existing or partly existing functionality. This is something that is at least reasonable.

what about points via spacial trees each frame?

electric, magnetic, light etc.

a unified sim.

one moment I will dig.


basically we can combine a fire sim, fluid sim, rigid body sim etc by using obj origins and local points and a grid scale then using the spatial tree to decide what is close enough to what and if it interacts with beyond it’s own processing.

i will try and make a demo using bge when I get a bit and kdtree
someone else with more thinky meat can take over this.

whom interacts with whom (in the local grids overlap)

proccess interactions per frame

This does not exist as an open source implementation that is production ready. It would need to be implemented pretty much from scratch, meaning years of development time. That’s why it is totally worthless to discuss it and that’s why this is my last comment about it.

What does this even have to do with bullet xD

changing a object to invisible forces and back into objects and particles etc is very much within the scope of bullet

a solids liquids and gasses / plasma model must be developed for blender and for engineering / teaching etc. as this is the reality we live in.

what better way to demo physics then to be able to simulate and produce cutaway on real world phenomena?

this is something that ties many fields together
(realistic physics)

Well we cant even get a fully functional basic integration and you wanna make it do magic n shiz

check out how awesome this is


looks like 2.8 today fixes the problem to some extent but cant really test it since rigid body world panel doesnt exist xD have to do all the commands with python

upbge has bullet intergrated - and we can also effect models / save it during a session
(upbge 0.3.0 ‘wears’ bpy meshes instead of KX_MeshProxy() )

would be nice if someone were to wrap BT_MultiBody() though

Aye don’t come in here and ruin my dead thread with this bge bidness

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Amazing. Going to try this now too.