Letter to Blender Nation.

Hi there!

This year has seen many changes in blender!

Blender Nation did a neat story about 2006…

They totally forgot about the blender game engine!!!

This is an open letter to Blender Nation…

If you feel that the game engine needs a article written by the people who make blender nation,

please vote here

it is nice of Blender Nation to give us daily news…

Let help them out by Voting here…

some of the topics of 2006 that where (honestly) overlooked .
BULLET integration to blender game engine!!!

Socials FPS template.

and many other improvements to the game engine.

Before we vote, i would like to thank all the people of blender nation for the ongoing coverage of blender 3d!!

please add other things I missed about 2006.

Thanks for helping :slight_smile:

You know, Blender Nation are not the only ones that “forget” the game engine.
I guess that we’re not “enough good” to “show to the world”; anyway, it’s true (besides you, and some few) .
Personally, I don’t care.

Did anyone tell BN about whats going on in here?

What about Crescent Dawn and Balloon City?

Yes of course the game engine needs mention. The fact that its not perfect is exactly the reason it should be mentioned as much as possible to get ppl interested in improving it.

Got my vote! :wink:

I don’t know about Cresent Dawn, but didn’t they already do an article on Ballon City?


I’m glad you think that the template is worthy of mention, but the fact is, it’s not. It’s just a template after all, and there are actually many more deserving projects that need to be given their due credit.

I really hope that they mentioned CD somewhere along the line.

You got my vote. Blendernation is amazing, and a great resource, but the GE is a pretty important part of Blender, and all Ive seen mentioned is collada import and things like that.

I think a bit more coverage would be great


Didn’t Blender start as a Game Engine sort-of thinge? Or am I just on a total sidetrack?

No, the game engine wasn’t integrated until v2.0

Yes! More coverage would definately be appriciated, I think BGE is looked down on as an “inferior GE”, when it could become a really good one!

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I’m sure once OGRE is intergrated it will drop a bombshell on any perspective that the GE can’t do good detailed worlds with modern graphics.

Bullet + OGRE + getting all the logic bricks working = heavily improved game engine

When this happens Blendernation will have to mention it.

No, they have to mention it now, and say “It will be even better with the next update!” :slight_smile:

and allso mention that if any programmer cant wait anymore… perhaps they could lend a hand to the people behind the integration… :o

Yeah we are so anxious about it! I mean six billion people? And we have two? There must be someone else :slight_smile:
Erwin and Charlie Ftw!

The OGRE intergration into the agme engine is definitly huge. Even the work in progress should definitley be an article on blender nation (give some credit to Charlie and Erwin where credit is due)