Level Art. From Blender to Unreal Engine 4

Hey guys, Im here to show you all the result of months of work (in my spare time).
This is a remake of a map I love from the Battlefield franchise.
Operation Locker, but reimagined.

I started this project in order to learn more about Modeling, texturing, lighting, particles and Unreal Engine.

Every model in this map was made using Blender and imported to the UE4 Editor.
I even tried to import the camera animations but got lots of trouble with that so I past it over :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope you guys like it!

If you have any question just hit me up :slight_smile:

Please like it and follow me at my artstation https://www.artstation.com/artist/victorborges

Congrats on your work.

Would you care to share some stats (numbers/sizes/times) or any other extra info (pros/cons, baking, lighting, fx…)?
I believe many would love & enjoy it, if you made an article or a tutorial about the experience :wink:

Stay great.

Sure, so… this are basically all the models I’ve used to make this level.

Since it was a modular build it was super simple to place stuff and change when necessary.

I’ve used a lot of decals to add up some details I would not be able to do in main textures.

And here you can see the lighting better


It took me about 6 months of work. I started this project using GTKRadiant (http://icculus.org/gtkradiant/) and soon realised it was a terrible idea. The thing is that GTKRadiant serves as a BSP editor and BSPs are a big mess. You can quickly block out your map with it but it only serves as that. You end up with lots of unused faces and bad shapes. It is kinda sad some games still use that (like Counter Strike: Global Offensive).
The idea was to remake the entire TDM version of the map. And as the time passed by I realised that it would take me even more time to complete it so I decided to rescale the map and change its structure a bit.
Here are the first screens of the map, and at this point I was a big newb.

So after importing the map as a WHOLE into the Unreal Engine 4 I started playing with lighting. It is a interior design and so there is no sky light, no sun light and you have to be a little creative to place light in its proper place.
My first aptempts of lighting were kind of a disaster but it was necessary in order to archive the final result.

28fps, omg

As a noob I was trying to recreate something without actually looking at reference, I was trying to only remember lighting as it was in the original map (next picture is the original map)

And when I did looked at reference, by an advice from a friend, I saw how terrible my lighting was and I started another one from scratch with a different feel.

This was the first step to my final setting.
I added some textures and the firsts decals. At this point I was getting really happy with the results. I modelled a few props to make the map look full and this was also the time I started messing with Substance Painter.

I reached for 2 level artists for some feedback. Theirs names are Thiago Klafke (@thiagoklafke) and Jeroen van Werkjoven (@jvanwerkjoven) and got some incredible critisism. This pushed me foward and at that point I believed the map was already 99% done.
Was at this moment I decided to rebuild everything with modular pieces.
And I did…

It took me about 2 weeks of work, but it worked out.

I added more decals and props, details…

And even a few easter eggs!

(Battlefield 1 battlepack)

Phanton Program code… (BF4 related)


This is from Alcatraz map, from Hardline.

Well, this is it.
Maybe even too much info but I hope you guys enjoy reading :P.

Dont mind my english… its 3 am

Those models and scenes are looking awesome…great work!

Overwhelming :smiley:

Looks like a game I would like to play.

Very nice job.