LFrender export problem

I have a problem in exporting a file in LFexport. Everything starts fine, when I clikc the export button, but the everything goes wrong and export fails. To be more specific error happens here:

Adding scene info…

All paths and stuff should be correctly assinged.

I use WinXP
Python 22
Blender 2.27

So, any help for poor old me?

do you have assigned python correctly?

remember, no1 space between slashes or letters… (in python)

try another version of blender like… 2.25 or 2.24 :slight_smile:

in my case, 2.24, 2,25, 2,26, it works correctly!!!

sorry but I don´t try in 2.27 :frowning:

and have you assigned the correct path?

and if you like, go to my page!
maybe help u!!!


sorry guys, but my english is horrible…

Now, the exporting seems to work under Blender 2.26, but still not under 2.27.

But now the rendering itself brings me error, because of lightflowPM.DLL library. Now all the docs say that the file it’s not needed anymore, because it uses older python and lightfolw should support newer python.

So what now? If I copy lightflowPM.DLL under python/lib I get error message which wants older version from python. If I remove the file, Lfrender wont start rendering because of the missing file.

Would somebody have any insight of this?

Help would be welcomed. :smiley: