Hello everyone!
This work is part of a larger project. I was making a room-library with a fireplace in UE5 for study purposes, but it was too slow due to a weak PC and light issues (I don’t have RTX). So I decided to make a small scene of the created assets as an intermediate total and put the project on hold for a while and focus on smaller projects.
Here is actually the intermediate bottom line:
Nice work, I love your attention to the details, that’s says a lot!
My only advice: I think, it would’ve been better if the actual brightness of the whole scene would’ve been a bit darker than it does for now. I mean, you could make the spot lights go out only from candles, so the left side would’ve been brighter, the center one (where is sofa is placed) - a bit darker, and the right side once again a bit brighter. IMO, it would’ve been more realistic.