"Lift Off, I'm Gone" Video (work in progress)

I started learning Blender a little over a month ago to make a video for one of my songs, “Lift Off, I’m Gone” which can be heard here: http://www.reverbnation.com/tunepak/3318459

Thanks to all the people that have uploaded tutorials, they’ve been very helpful!

I welcome any and all constructive criticism, so feel free to comment.
Anybody interested in being involved in this project please contact me.

Now! I’ll put up some photo and video links so you can see how I’ve been doing.
The terrain was off in these shots


I love the shape of the rocket… I’d recommend looking at ben’s lighting tutorial though: http://www.benamend.com/category/tutorials/categories-tutorials-lighting/

This is a render of one of the ‘Home Base’ scene. Lots more to add. Landscaping, rocks, details, etc. I’m having difficulty importing a figure from ‘MakeHuman’. I understand there are issues with the latest Blender version for this. I’m sure it will get worked out.

I put some guardrails on site.