Ok! I’ve got several questions at the moment, so as usual I’ll post em’ up in one thread…all bout light though this time! :rolleyes:
1.) I’ve got a constant problem with Ray Transparency. What I always get is something that looks transparrent but basically seems like the light that hits it’s surface just ignores any object withing the Ray Transparented object. I’ll try explaining differently:
I make for example a cube and place a sphere within it and just for the heck of it I even place a Plane under all of this with a little heigh from the cube. Now I make the cube have Ray Transp. and make freshnel for example 3.94. What happens is the inner Sphere get’s no light…it’s pitch black…The shadow of the transparent object on the Plane is just as if the object were actually non-transparrent. :eek: I’ve taken Depth and Filter to the maximum differently and together and same effect occures.
The only way I can solve the inner lighting is by placing a light source withing the transparrent object. Needless to say this looks bad…and it doesen’t solve the shadow problem…
2.) (Nothing to do with the other problem…this is actually a question)
Is it possible to effect Halo of a light by any chance? For example make the Halo have a texture. This could be used to make really cool dust particles or in an ocean light seeking through have dark parts…or I guess in many more cases… :eyebrowlift:
Well the task is up. I couldn’t find the solution even though I’ve spent several hours trying to find a sensible solution…I hope some pro dude can help me right out of the poo.
Thanks ahead!
ps.: just remembered this: (NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING ON THE FORUM)
"a little bird hatches out of an egg. It starts walking and since it’s winter it feels really cold. It meets the cow and starts to tweet. “TWEET!TWEET! I feel cold!” The cow shits on it and goes by. The little bird keeps on tweeting. “TWEET! TWEET!” The prarie dog comes by and hears the bird tweet. It goes to it and pulls it out of the shit. The SNAP! Ate it…
What’s the point of this? Not everybody want’s bad for you if they shit on you and not everybody want’s good for you who pull you out of the shit.
Sorry if I wasted you’re time. Just remebered this out of a Terence Hill film…not sure how ye type his name…:rolleyes:
It requires a multi-scene setup if you don’t want a render containing co-planar faces (those lovely renders where we’re all told that we need to remove doubles) and it requires a bit of render order trickery to boot. I guess you’ve noticed that Blender does NOT want to render your scene like this. She gripes, she complains, she moans, and she groans and basically does everything except for what you want her to do (sounds like most of the women I’ve dated)…that is unless you bring her candy and flowers. Then she’ll do any damn thing you ask because she only wants a bit of love and appreciation for the qualities that she already possesses, not the ones that you think she should have.
Now, if you want to go and get a bit more fancy than this then you’re gonna have to pull a rabbit outta ur butt cuz the relationships start to become a bit more complex than my poor little pea brain can handle, plus much of the effect is done in post which negates Blender’s ability to ray trace some of the elements that you may want to distort.
There’s a tutorial length explanation brewing here so rather than run on and on I’ll just give you the .blend to examine for yourself.
Maybe now the moderator will decide to make a stickie out of the post that I wrote yesterday. If EVERYONE knew this stuff there would be a LOT more amazing Blender art out there.
HAH! Nice compareing! Thank god prolly not 2 many wimen will read it! Otherwise you’d posted till you pleed for forgivness! :evilgrin:
Anyway! I’ll check the link you gave and also the model. Thanks for the patience.
I can’t find the tab. Where is it supposed to be? Or is it only in the newer blender. Not sure if I’m up to date at the moment with my blend. 243 is what I have…
Holly! That node stuff is crazy! I’ll have to look after it. Well it’s good to know that you can do it that way. Thanks for the help, but I think I’m not going to get that bad into stuff since I’m not even that good in modelling so…Just started off a new project that probably is going to be the first that is not actually just testing stuff…
It might look crazy but it’s very logical. If you think that’s nuts imagine the quacks who coded the stuff and actually got it to work so well! They must be totally insane.
Once you play with the nodes enough you will begin to see a pattern emerging from the fog. Sometimes I need to separate my elements into scenes for sanity reasons because the relationships and clutter begin to become so complex that I can’t keep up with it all but, in this case the separate scenes allow you to have an accurate shadow placement for the sphere without having those wonderful double faces that you get when two identical objects occupy the same 3D space.
Ok…I’ll try to find out more to make the fog dissapear.
So how do I add texture(s) to a Halo? I know how to make a light have halo. And I can texture the ereas that the light shines on. But what about the Halo? :rolleyes:
Am I correct to assume, that the rabbit you are referring to would be the correction of the shadow, as when seen through the glass cube the shadow’s delimiter won’t go as straight as seen here.
No, I can handle that, though I wouldn’t really know what angle to place it at or how/if it should be hacked up. I can slice and dice images in Blender in just about every way that she’s capable of. I was more or less referring to caustics, my total lack of knowledge concerning external ray tracers, and I was just too lazy to walk anyone through more than that because most folks will dismiss this information when they find out that they can’t keep thinking in a linear fashion to get the job done.
I’d like to play with RCRuiz’ caustics patch but it doesn’t compile from cvs with scons and I don’t know how to set the flags or anything else about compiling it on my own. Until Ton lifts the 64 bit -yesiamstupid- ban on graphicall I can’t play cuz I’m not going back to 32 bit or windoze.
If you found that this thread and .blend helped you to better understand lighting in Blender as it relates to the render pipeline please let me know.
More Blender internal, no fake caustics patch. This was more work than it was worth. I really don’t know what the light should look like as it’s being bent because I’m not a ray. Well, I am a Ray, just not a light ray.