I have tried to get my lighting in my scene to not be too dark, and not be too bright, as I want to simulate an auditorium with the lights very dim. When I render with only Layer 1 (A single person sitting in a chair), it seems fine to me. But when I render the entire sequence using a whole crowd of people, everything turns extremely white and bright. I know being new to Blender isn’t an excuse to not learn how to use it correctly, but this is really starting to frustrate me.
Here is the link to my .blend file if need be. If anything needs to be clarified, I will be more than happy to respond. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RR3XUZVR
Thank you.
The white and bright seems to be coming from the floating notes you have. Not rendering the layers 10 and up I can get the whole crowd in at the right lighting. I’m guessing there’s some kind of particles on the notes? Every blender exe I have crashes when I try to click the particles menu with your blend.
I don’t believe there’s any particles involved, but I’m glad that you found where the extra light is coming from. I used this tutorial http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Tutorials/Solid_and_Hollow_Glass (Hollow Glss)to make the notes “glass-like” becuase I liked the way they looked but I guess their the problem of the entire thing. If you know any kind of way around this I’d really like to know.
Thanks for spending time on this dilemma.
Process of elimination. In Layer 11 you have a lamp set to energy 10 !!
Also as a side note, you have two people with shadeless turned on in their materials. On 5th layer: 3rd row from the front 8th guy from the left (mesh.089), and 6th row up 8th guy over (mesh.062).
Also not sure what lights up the notes, I can’t see them. I just cranked up their emit value and the look pretty cool then. What’s supposed to light them up?
Ah, my email didn’t remind my of another reply!
That did the trick! I fixed those shadeless meshes as well - I was very tired when I was working on all the audience members. What should light the notes is the auditorium’s dim lights, as well as a little help from the stage lighting. I think I’ll increase the emit like you said.
Thanks again!