Light Seems to Come From Opposite Direction

Anybody know what might cause that to happen? Basically, where there should be a shadow, I get the light effect, complete with projection image. I thought it might be reversed normals, but that doesn’t seem to be it. Any suggestions of what parameters might be at fault?

you lamp could be Negative.

Sorry it took so long to get back…That’s not the case, unfortunately. I even changed the area light into a spotlight and it still only affects the opposite (“wrong”) side of the object.

Turn on the Axis in F7 and see if your Y or X axii are pointing the wrong way. You can see it in N too but you might have cancelled that with Ctrl-A. If it is wrong scale by -1 (or post a blend of that obj and lamp).


Check also whether you inadvertantly turned on Z-Invert in the material buttons. It’s unlikely, because your model would look reversed too, but if it’s symmetrical you might not notice the effect on geometry.

I think Fligh got it–My Y axis was rotated by 90 degrees. I went into edit mode and rotated it to 0-0-0, and it seems to be reacting normally. Darn, that’s weird. Thanks!