I have for a while wanted a simple basic “light box” for quick nice looking product renders in Blender. This weekend I ended up making LightBox01. The basic setup consists of four area lamps inside a box.
Here are a couple of sample renders, using LightBox01, with the internal Blender renderer.
@admiral Thank you! I spent about a day coming up with this scene. Quite a bit of trial and error, as I started playing around with 3D and Blender just about a year ago
Render times really depend on the material settings of your model. The Suzanne image takes 1 minute and 20 seconds to render. Both the Apple Motion icon and the Compressor screw takes about 10 minutes to render each, as they roughly have the same material settings. These render times are on an 8-core 2.4GHz Mac Pro (2010). I wish Blender could make use of the GPU in this machine
I will keep on refining the rig, as I learn more about Blender.
Really great, love stuff like this that makes life easier for everyone, would you be willing to share it on blendswap.com? Again great work and thanks for the share.
Very true. This setup will most definitely need a little bit of tweaking for different kinds of objects with different kinds of materials
As mentioned, I am quite new to both 3D and Blender. I shared this setup because people were asking me how I rendered the images displayed in my first post.