When I try to export my scene with the script I get an error :
What could have caused this error? It’s quite weird, because before I tried to export, and it worked well. After adjusting the normals of the objects I tried again and it failed.
If you wish to mail me (my e-mail in the bottom row) your .blen I’ll try to see if I get the point.
For second point… I’ll never rendered an object which was not a volume, hence with a closed surface. What do you mean exactly with your question? You experienced that in LF a plane renders only on one side?
If you wish to mail me (my e-mail in the bottom row) your .blen I’ll try to see if I get the point.
I’ll mail the problem object trough. (the whole file is way to big)
For second point… I’ll never rendered an object which was not a volume, hence with a closed surface. What do you mean exactly with your question? You experienced that in LF a plane renders only on one side?
My objects have a closed surface but there are faces inside the models which are difficult to see. This gives problems with the normals (recalculate normals outside screws it up worse). Lightflow renders the faces the like blender shows the when you deactivated the ‘double-sided’ button (grey and black surfaces…really ugly)
So I came to the conclusion that lightflows renders single-sided.
It is quite likely that the exception is a script error, there have been two updates since (I think). I don’t know which version you use anymore, if it is the two line startup script, you might be able to get a more specific error by changing the START line to this:
If it is the old full code script, then you will find a variable called PRINT_TRACE at the start of the script, set it to 1.
Not that it will solve the problem, but then you know what the cause is and where it occurs in the code.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "LFRENDER_GUI.py", line 2358, in bevent
Tlight_accur = Number("Accuracy: ", evt_ignore, st, 320*muly, w
d, ht, Tlight_accur.val, 0.0, 1.0,
File "LFRENDER_GUI.py", line 1725, in ExportIt
File "LFRENDER_GUI.py", line 1384, in GetTexturePath
AttributeError: 'None' object has no attribute 'split'
Well, I can’t do much about that, I know what the cause is though, you could try changing the code if you want. But anyway, the cause is that the mesh that is currently exported has uv-coords but no actual image texture was found. This was corrected in the scripts after that.