LightFlow Update

Thanx to the tip of hannibar, with only 3 MegaPhotons, I managed to:

[list=]Enhance caustic quality[/list]
[list=]Make triangularization to disappear (almost, there is still two[/list]

What do you think?


these colors…mmm…spanish blender logo, isn’t? :smiley:


Hehe… got it… must set up an Italian Blender Community one of these days… mmm :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s much better indeed.
Great colors, nice caustics.

Yes I like this one the best. Very nice.


hey ! that looks very nice…

I will never got Lightflow to work, but nice that some do :slight_smile:

the caustic effect looks really good

Just out of curiosity, how long does it take to render something like that?

The original chrome-like In Blender some 2-3 muinuts (I’ve got an old 800MHz Pentium 3 with 0.5 gig and SLOW Win 2k…)

The cristal Ray-traced-radiosited you see here around 6h…


nice work the coustics are great

Really nice! I like it!

I saw older version deeper in the forum. I downloaded lightflow, but i didn’t try it yet. Looks very interesting.

Did you see last J.M. Soler’s wiped celtic work with curves and bevel?
