
The plan was to refine this one a little more. I have had allot of other work lately and am moving on to other things… Here it is.

thanks for looking, let me know what you think.


nice! prehaps try using mist to soften the horizon. maybe add more nose and texture to the sea. IMO the moon should be brighter. all and all a good pic.

Nice work steve. Interesting picture in which you manage to capture a bit of the mood of the scene. Like the way you’ve got the moonlight to “reflect” off the water. Don’t know whether you meant to give the horizon a curve, but it didn’t look quite right to me - sort of slopes off at the left hand side.

Hey, cool stuff. I like the island–really fits the mood.

Good stuff!


I’m diggin’ it.
Good work
like the reflection of the rock in the sea, the moon and the mood
Its a bit too dark on the rocks, but it works well.
The scale of the waves is perfect.

beautiful, just need to fix the horizon and make the sky a little prettier

it seems a bit too postprocecced for my taste…
try decreasig the blur and noise a bit…
the noise in the sea may be increased a bit

OO nice, great job on the light.

The rocks have a very beautiful painterly quality.

The water doesn’t really have the depth that it should. Perhaps its the horizon, which has been mentioned. I’m thinking the textures on the distant water should be blurred, screened, desaturated; not entirely sure.

Nice image

as a concept it’s looking nice … but there’s very little detail otherwise it seems to me.



Great mood to it.

My second post.

Looks really good.

I hope to learn some of that being new at this. I checked out the FAQ but I have some serious needs in the help department. Make that the HELP department.

could i see a render thats enough brighter to see the modeling on the rock? it looks very cool! great job

skeletor- Here is one that I lightened in photoshop…

it also helps if you have a gamma corrected monitor

GeronL- We were all new at this once, if there is anything that you need help with I or probably anyone else on this forum would be more than happy to help you out.

As for the future of this image…It is done for now, but thanks for all the critiques. If I ever dust this file off again I will be sure to take them into account.


it also helps if you have a gamma corrected monitor

I keep my monitor calibrated via Adobe gamme and your first image seemed dark. I also use a Mac, which in my experience tends to have lighter gamma then Windows PCs.

That said, the new image really brings out some nice details in the rocks, although I with the rest of the image had maintained the original values.

You really have to fix that horizon.

Looks nice, you should only make the sky darker and the water more realistic