Lighting a large room for baking!

I badly need some advice guys!
I’m working on webgl project with blender and three.js. and of course i’m not a 3d pro.
This is my situation:
I have a large room(like an art gallery) and i need to have a unified, soft, directionless light enlighten the whole room equally. my room has white-colored ceiling and walls(no texture) with no windows.
Now i want to bake lightmap(AO) for each object in the scene. so i enabled ‘Environment Lighting’ with setting energy to 1.0 and distance to 5, falloff strength to 0.2 and sampling to 9. then i start baking.

This is my baked result for walls and ceiling:

And this is the result in three.js:

As you see i have some gray lines right at the edges of walls and ceiling junctions which is very annoying. :frowning:
Also i think my ceiling is darker than my walls, but i’m not sure.

So first how could i overcome this gray line? is it something wrong with my model itself or what?
Second what’s your suggestions for lighting such a large four-wall room with no window?

I’ve searched a lot, but all tutorials i found is about techniques like 3 points lighting a single object or use sun light for interior scenes. but as i mentioned i have no window and no sun. instead i want to keep my walls and ceiling pretty white(not total white with no depth of course) with some directionless light(s).
I want to make sure my model and blender settings are good enough for what i want. then i’ll do some try-error at three.js side.
This is my blender file: (i’m using blender 2.69 at linux x86_64).
Please help me!

How do you plan to use these things? Is the camera moving … is this a game where potentially a user could walk anywhere in the room and look at anything from any angle? Or, are the objects and the camera points-of-view fixed?

“This isn’t real-life … this is CG.” Totally fake. So, what is the minimum that is required to actually pull off each shot? What’s the extent of what’s going to be required to be visible in every map?

If these objects are in a white room with no windows and no texture, my instincts tell me that you probably don’t need to go to this trouble. If what you mean by “soft, directionless light” is that nothing casts shadows, then, well, in the world of CG, shadows are not required. Just tell your lights not to produce them. If you do need a shadow in a particular place, you can rig up a spotlight that casts nothing but shadows!

Tell us all more about what you are ultimately trying to achieve​ here . . . what does “this is perfect!!” look like, exactly?

Final product is a 3d room which user could move around like a fps game. so there is no fixed already rendered viewport image. but i need to bake lights into textures to avoid heavy processing at runtime in webgl part.
Basically i’m not sure which light type is useful for me and how to put them in such a room?
With only ‘Environment Lighting’ i’v got issues at the edges and corners. maybe my uv map not well palced, i’m not sure. please look at my blender file.