I badly need some advice guys!
I’m working on webgl project with blender and three.js. and of course i’m not a 3d pro.
This is my situation:
I have a large room(like an art gallery) and i need to have a unified, soft, directionless light enlighten the whole room equally. my room has white-colored ceiling and walls(no texture) with no windows.
Now i want to bake lightmap(AO) for each object in the scene. so i enabled ‘Environment Lighting’ with setting energy to 1.0 and distance to 5, falloff strength to 0.2 and sampling to 9. then i start baking.
This is my baked result for walls and ceiling:
And this is the result in three.js:
As you see i have some gray lines right at the edges of walls and ceiling junctions which is very annoying.
Also i think my ceiling is darker than my walls, but i’m not sure.
So first how could i overcome this gray line? is it something wrong with my model itself or what?
Second what’s your suggestions for lighting such a large four-wall room with no window?
I’ve searched a lot, but all tutorials i found is about techniques like 3 points lighting a single object or use sun light for interior scenes. but as i mentioned i have no window and no sun. instead i want to keep my walls and ceiling pretty white(not total white with no depth of course) with some directionless light(s).
I want to make sure my model and blender settings are good enough for what i want. then i’ll do some try-error at three.js side.
This is my blender file: http://d-h.st/t2O (i’m using blender 2.69 at linux x86_64).
Please help me!