Lighting Challenges at

I just stumbled across this page of “lighting challenges”, which provides untextured/unlighted scenes and challenges visitors to finish them.

It hasn’t been updated for a year, but it might be interesting for those who want to sharpen their rendering skills. And have some other efforts to compare it to.

i will try them

Sweet, I need some lighting practice! Too bad not all have a .blend. I think this type of practice is awesome and super helpful.

Nice find encn! :slight_smile: Thanks.

they look realy good the pages on the side…its even better that there and .obj file for them which is workable in many other 3d animation software
ofcourse there being a blend is +

The .blend file of the dinosaur museum is really cool, great use of instanced parts!

The UV maps in the fruit bowl scene was rather hit and miss, I hope it’s a bit better in other scenes.
But the challenge concept is great, it think it’d be a hit if Blendercookie ran something similar.

That’s a really good idea actually, would also be cool if the community got together and tried out these challenges for a couple of weeks at a time :slight_smile:

I think it would be especially valuable as testing-grounds for Cycles. A given high-quality production scene eliminates a lot of random error factors.
I love the way the 9-billion polys-scene ( ) has become a sort of community project to tweak and improve and compare between machines.

btw… if anyone finishes those lighting challenges, or creates clean basic .blend-scenes… by all means, post:)

Quite a few of those have .blends in the ‘Lighting Challenge’ section on that other 3D forum.

I think it would be especially valuable as testing-grounds for Cycles.

Haha yep, this is how I plan to learn Cycles lighting well.

it think it’d be a hit if Blendercookie ran something similar

That would be so awesome!