I’m looking for more control over lighting
is there a way to convert the power settings to watts?
Or add ons that give you more control over the lighting ?
Thanks for your time and if you can point me in the right place
Cycles lamp strength for point, spot and area lamps is specified in Watts, while Blender Internal has no clear physical unit that I know of. For Cycles this means you typically need higher values, as you couldn’t use a 1W lamp to light a room, you need something stronger like a 100W lamp. For Blender Internal the default Distance of 30 means you can use lower strength values.
Sun lamps in Cycles are specified in Watts⁄m2, which requires much smaller values like 1 W⁄m2. This can be confusing, but specifying strength in Watts wouldn’t have been convenient, the real sun for example has strength 384600000000000000000000000W. Emission shaders on meshes are also in Watts⁄m2.
“Cycles lamp strength for point, spot and area lamps is specified in Watts, while Blender Internal has no clear physical unit that I know of.”
Oh man, that is soooo nice to know. Now I can at least tune physically sized meshes to match some reference lighting. Thanks for the pointer.