Lighting/Reflection issue I can't describe but show

Hi Blender-Friends!

I’m very new to Blender and the 3D World so this is very likely a pretty stupid issue but I can’t figure out a way around it. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction.

I’m trying to recreate a scene from 2001 a Space odyssey and this is the infamous monolith aka stretched standard cube. However, one plane has a weird spot in the center as you can see in the image below. The whole scene is lit with a few different spotlights to create different reflections depending on where the monolith is.

I’ve tried to shade it’s smooth and flat, which doesn’t change anything. It’s rendered in cycles with a principle BSDF Shader. I really don’t know what could cause this, my best guess is a UV mapping problem, but I’m not using a texture or uv maps here… :confused:

thanks in advance!

edit: I just realized if I crank the roughness slider it disappears, but I don’t want it rough :wink:

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This is a weird issue. My only guess is it is the principled shader. If your trying to get a shiny surface, use a glossy node. (Tip: Crank up the roughness on this node to change how reflective it is) I can’t really tell. A file will be nice so i can see exactly whats going wrong.

Or and possibly, there may be a uv map error and in that case you’ll just have to unwrap the material.

Try setting anisotropic to zero.


Or that, it’s a very hard issue to fix with little information.

thank you! that was it :slight_smile:

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