I´m working in a new ( and easier ) way to make lightmaps in Blender.
Seeing how UDK and Unity ( ver 3.0 ) do Lightmaps i see how easy it can be for ours too and decide make some like that.
So what that script do?
-> Group objects to make only one lightmap texture ( automatic balanced groups in future to save scale/resolution of texture )
-> Automatic make the new texture, uvwarp, texture configurations e assignments
-> You can choose AO or Shadow maps ( Both in the same pass in future )
-> Don´t make noise in your previous material configuration ( textures, outers uv maps etc )
So, just add the objets to group and click in “Make Lightmap” and press P to see it working in BGE
More Options:
-> Separete : Separate all isolated objects of group in the end of lightmap generation
-> Preserve UV : Don´t calculate the UV Warp, useful case you can edit manually the UV or save time if you already have a good UV.
-> Update List: Clear all objects that are in list and don´t have in scene. ( in case you exclude or join objects of list )
Some Screens:
Various objects with different material configurations ( with/without textures, uvmaps etc ) and softshadows
Related bugs and outers issues:
-> UV layer assignment in texture/image don´t work, i´m doing manually for now, cleaning the uv layer ( the list of available uv layers ) in texture/mapping tab and applying again
-> We can´t render AO and Shadow maps in the same time yet, but will do in future. ( making 2 lightmaps and applying all of course )
So i hope you like that and be useful when finished.
i will release a version soon
Thanks to Dalai Felinto to all support in Blender API and fix some bugs in Blender Source
Edit: 2011/01/24
Last version ( 0.57 ): http://wiki.blender.org/uploads/8/8b/Lightmapper.rar
Wiki: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/Scripts/Render/Lightmapper
Sorry my bad English :o