Lightmapper ( Release 0.57)

hey… great script vitor!!! Just discovered this one by accident!
Some questions concerning the script.

Is there a possibility to unwrap all objects into one layout witout merging those objects into one? As far as I know there isn’t. So the next problem comes, that you loose your object origins. And you also loose your object names. I think this is the most important part we need. An unwrapper that unwrapps seperate objects! But I think you are aware of this!

One idea I had about the object names. Maybe there is a way to keep this names and origins. It is just an idea, I don’t know if it will work.

So… when you press the “make lightmap” button, your script should create a new vertexgroup in your objects and assign it. And after this is done your script can merge those objects. If you seperate your meshparts your script just needs to look up those vertexgroup names and rename each part of your seperated objects to the vertexgroup it has.
And about the center origins. Here also, I don’t know if this may work.
Before merging your objects create new emtpy objects at the objects origins. Name those objects for example to objectname_pos or what else. After seperating those meshes you do have the names if that method above works, and now you also can assign the origin to empty objects with the empty object names. Afterwards just delete the empty objects.

Ok, I hope I was understandable in what I have written! Maybe those thoughts help you in future developement of your script!!
It is great so far, and with a few improvements a must have for the bge :slight_smile:

How do I activate it? I put the script in my addons folder, but I can’t find it in user prefs -> addons.
It don´t work as add-on yet, but i will do that in the next release.

Is there a possibility to unwrap all objects into one layout witout merging those objects into one? As far as I know there isn’t. So the next problem comes, that you loose your object origins. And you also loose your object names. I think this is the most important part we need.
I agree ndee! i fact i´m working in that. The actual script have the button “separeted” to perform this split of objects in final, and we can recalculate the origins of that after split but keep the names is a really problem. Maybe your idea of vertex groups work i will think about that.

We need to a more inteligent Unwarp UV script Too, like a texture atlas or a better Smart UV. but while Bmesh is not release i guess nobody will work on that ( Bmesh crash the UV unwarp scripts :frowning: )

Thanks a lot!

The good thing about vertex group is, that you have “named” meshparts.
The problem I have with that script at the moment is, that if I have an object with more then one meshes inside, the seperate function will seperate those parts too(the functions seems to look for loose meshparts). But I don’t want it to.
I think vertexgroups should be used here for the splitting, if possible. And another good thing about vertex groups is that every vertexgroup knows which material is assigned to it.
At the moment by splitting objects you have all materials in each object. It would be great if they are seperatet again too.

Just some further thoughts! I am looking forward for your releases! I really appreciate your work!!
Thanks for that!

The Dynamic Preview doesn’t seem to work for me. Do I just have to enable the Preview and press the Shadow Button?
A small correction: It should be called settings, and not setings.

Really we can use vertex groups to keep the mesh name and split objects by meshgroup ( in fact all will be splited but we can join objects with same mesh group after ). I will see what can i do about that xD

Thanks for sharing your sugestions :wink:

I did some progress in groups/split objects management today.

Lightmapper 0.56

Improve Groups

  • Use different name base by groups ( fixing many bugs about texture names )

Improve the “Split Mode” to split the objects in final of Bake

  • Work with groups too
  • Fix Origin of objects after split
  • Readd objects by group list after Split

Improve the Dynamic Preview
- Now update all groups
- Working with Slip Mode ON

Minor UI improvements
Minor Bug Fixes

Youtube Video

Bye! :eyebrowlift:

Hi Vitorbalbio,
Thanks for your great effort and time…

Thanks ecgilboy

One more teste in a real scene.
Scene made with descombulator

PolyCount: 1Obj with 9.854 Polys
Maps: 2x 2048 ( 1Shadow + 1 AO approximated )
Unwarp Time: 86seg
Render Time: 12mim in AMD64 3.0+ ( 1.8Ghz , 1 core )


Enjoy! xD

very good, thanks Vitor!! :slight_smile:

Lightmapper 0.56: Posted in Blender Extensions:


cool and speedy!

welldone :smiley:

Lightmapper 0.57

-Fix Warnings in Blender 2.56a
-Remove Dynamic Previews for now, need more work in that
-Work right as Add-on ( Add-on Pannel )

Now we have a wiki too:


I hope come back the Dynamic Render soon, but now it´s really broken so i removed it.

Any problem post here or in bug tracker.
Bye! xD

Update: Lightmapper 0.572

Fix problems with Operation id_names [ before Crashing with build 34473 ]


i have revision 34975 and the script doesnt work

any chance of an update please

I will keep working in that when we have a stable API. I think is a good idea to wait for blender 2.57 :smiley:

@Excalaberr, first of all I would like to thank you for your hard work! I’m from JME community. I have written some good GLSL shaders jMonkey engine. My shaders support lightmaps. So, your tools are very important fo Blender, JME, Ogre, Irrlicht, Crystal Space community. Please tell us what version of your addon we should use if you join together. :slight_smile:

I also posted to JME forum your topics:…r-blender-2-5/

P.S. My GLSl Shaders For JME:

mifth: I think you can download booth and see what do it best for you. That scripts work for different purposes (“shadow maps” and “Light maps” ). In my case i don´t have a version to blender 2.57 yet, I will release one in this week. :smiley:

Now i´m working in 3 things:

  • A good solution for the lose of object names when i join it in one group and split after Bake. Vertex Groups is the way i´m doing
  • Make the Dynamic Preview Work again ( Blender 2.56 Broke it ). I have´t a good idea yet, i will talk to dfelinto about it
  • Do it work with LightmapUV Pack unlike old Smart UV Pack. It fix tons of quality problems!


waiting for 2.57 version :smiley:

This looks very nice. It doesn’t seem to work me on Blender 2.60, nothing shows up in Render panel after enabling the addon.

is there a version coming up for blender 2.6?

Is this still being developed for Blender 2.61? Seems to have gone quiet :frowning:

Is there chance someone has updated this awesome script to work with Blender 2.63? Would be simply terrible to see this die!