Hey, I’m kind of a noob in render and following a tutorial on making a scene in render, however my lights aren’t rendering properly. In the sense that the preview and the rendered image show twoo different results in terms of lighting.
here is my file as well http://pasteall.org/blend/index.php?id=52564
Any help will be greatly appreciated. I’m sure it’s just some stupid checkbox that I’ve forgotten to tick but ive been troubleshooting for an hour now and haven/t really found a fix. Thank You!
There were no textures in the blend so add some to the rocks (too dark ) but needed them …
I moved the light around by mistake…ooopppsss…
128 Samples…Eevee render, I actually turned down the lamp to 8000
Hi, Thank you for the reply! I turned my sampling up and adjusted bloom to various different settings, however I’m not getting any different of a result. My rocks all have textures but I think they just dont transfer over to the uploaded save file. Ive tried it in both blender 2.8 and 2.81. If its not a hassle could you upload the file you made changes to and I could try render that. If it renders fine then I can just figure out what the difference between yours and mine was. Thanks!
Since your textures were not packed to Blend File I can’t pack them either…but let’s see if this works for you anyway…BTW I checked and I did enable Mist Pass… 14784_autosave.blend (4.3 MB)
Sorry it took so long … The internet was crawling along…and file grew to 66mb ( must have saved the textures I put in, even though I deselected the option…