Lightsaber with a twist...

I just found a tutorial for halo light sabers, which would have saved me about a half hour of making my own attempt at the same thing (I thought I was smart and figured out an easy way of doing it, then found the tutorial after that was easier, & looked better) So now I am ready to start my new project. Its based loosley on a concept I saw on some show on cartoon network or spike tv or something, (I don’t have cable, saw it once) it was about a bunch of cartoons living in a house together and they met a “darth vader” like mickey mouse. So I have all these ideas going through my head now for a whole disney themed star wars. Some of the fun things I’m planning is Epcot Center for the Death Star, Donald for Han Solo, Baloo from jungle book for Chewiee, and just a whole lot more (If you want to know more, just ask!) and the lightsabers are going to be Keyblades kind of. I haven’t even started my concept sketches yet, but I couldn’t resist modeling the keysaber to see how it looks. I have a video of it in motion too, but I don’t know where to start looking to host it or whatever. Anyway, let me know what you think of the idea and keysaber! I’ve got to model the handle now…BTW can someone tell me how to link 2 meshes together so they move together without affecting the colors & things? I tried to parent these 2 together before & my blade went all green. Sorry for such a long post!


and on you honor, you never played Kingdom Hearts. :smiley:

I’m guessing you read my tutorial…
anyway, to keep them together: parent one of the blades to the other and then move the parent and the child shall follow…

It looks like you need to increase the size of the green blade and lower the alpha to get a more natural lightsaber look…just a tip :slight_smile:

Not a bad idea though, pretty original…

Nope, never spent “cough” 35 hours playing kingdom hearts, beating it twice to get the special ending because I’m too stupid to go to the dalmations house after getting all 99 puppies…wait, what? :smiley: I can’t wait for the new one to come out next week…sigh…thanks for the tips, I’ll have to try that now…but with the parenting thing, could you be a little more specific? I tried making 1 a parent, didn’t work. I shift selected both, Parented and my whole thing turned green and would change. Anyways, thanks again!