Lightsabre blade tutorial.

Hey everyone my first tutorial:

You should know the Blender Basics to complete this tutorial.

The result:

Nice mini-tute!

The force is strong with you…

(Sorry, I couldn’t stop myself!)

Cool pic!

You could probably replace the Laser.jpg texture by a Procedural Blend texture though.


nope you wouldn’t get the white core.

use colorbands


with white in the middle. didn’t think of that. :slight_smile:

depends on the style of blade you want. both look great.

Nice tutorial!

I did the tut the way you said but I took the idea theeth said and used colorbands. I fumbled thru it because I have no idea how to use colorbands. I used it with a blend texture. What do you think?

Nice work on the handle and the blade. :wink: 8)

You’ve got the colour band down pretty good.

Thanks, but ask me to repeat my results and I wouldn’t know how without fumbling thru it again. I did save this as a blend. Are there tuts on using the colorbands feature?

i’ll (try) get to work on one today.

colorbands are a great tool when you know how they work. It’s what really makes the procedural texture powerful. (well, that and Stencil)


yes, i believe i did a colorband minitut. lemme find it…

Hows that?

Thank you very much for the Tut. I get how to use colorbands now. And I was able to replicate my previous results. :smiley:

happy to know that it helped :smiley:

I tried 4 times yesterday, 3 times today - And all I get is "Sorry, the page or file you’re looking for is not here. "

Am I the only one who can’t view this?

Valarking! you actually havent said anything negative in this post! no sarcastic remarks…just…kindness…are you ill? :stuck_out_tongue:

yes, quite ill in the head you see. off i go to the padded room.




hahahehehaha… … …

hey how come the site doesn’t work? :’( i wanted to make a light saber! waaaa i even treid once but uhhhh that kinda sucked