Lightsabre effects in SWK 2.0

I guess I’m just behind on the times, but I just saw “Star Wars Kid Remix 2.0” and it had this really fantastic lightsabre effect by a guy by the name of Kalvascorp (I believe). I’m not sure who this guy is (i’ve searched him), but I was wondering if anyone on here knew what kind of method he used to make those amazing effects. I don’t know who else to ask and you all seem mutlidimensional anyway, so I figured this would be a good place to ask.

Either with a mesh with a Blend texture or with a very fine mesh with a halo material


Yes, but how does he get the effect to stay in the correct place so well? ie. the staff is swinging all over the place, yet the effect is perfectly “glued” onto the end.

That ain’t no thang… speak to Weirdhat. He is the compositor king

Yes, but how does he get the effect to stay in the correct place so well? ie. the staff is swinging all over the place, yet the effect is perfectly “glued” onto the end.

Basically just positioning it manually for every frame. Very tedious work.

Lightsabres are usually done using rotoscoping. Just manual labor, I have done that for short movie. Basicly you paint those lightsabres frame by frame in 2d, using photoshop or similar program.

Or go here, . You need to pay 50 pound for the program but you also get lots(hudreds) of stock footage(muzzle flashes, explosion) that cost lots of money for free