
Ok, fixed the uv and textures to fit the new mesh.
A comparison with the old one (left):

I think the forehead needs some adjustment, it looks too narrow and with a wrong angle.

and I’m also trying to make a better hairstyle, less heavy too. With the old wig, I can barely turn the viewport on my computer. Not quite successful for now, but I have made a mock-up in Gimp, to get an idea of how it could look.

The renders straight from Blender are on the left, the Gimped picture is on the right.

Wow!!! I think it improve a lot! the nose and the lips! the shape of the head! also the new proportions are much more apeling!
She is beautiful!

I’m still here :smiley:
just took a bit of vacation. Thanks for the feedback Tonatiuh, very effective way to deliver it!!
I’m now fighting with the hair system. It’s quite slow and frustrating with my laptop (which is not even too bad, but hairs are really demanding in terms of hardware)

Nice work indeed!!:yes::yes:

Give it a few acne and black heads.

Ok, almost there…
I’m remaking the clothes too. I just need to adjust the sleeves and the material.

PixelPete: thanks, I’m glad you like it :slight_smile:
Baho: sorry I’m not a Propionibacterium acne, I can’t give pimples :(:frowning:

Yes! yes! it is looking fantastic!!!

I think it’s finished… I’ll start a brand new thread in “Finished” and post the full resolution definitive, maybe after some more quick fixes.
from left to right: composite right out of Blender, occlusion pass, and after some tweaking and correction in Gimp.

Great work. Looks a little like Sophie Turner

I’m in love!!! really something special happen here! Congrats!!!


Yes something special happened: I got valuable feedback and encouragement :slight_smile: thanks for helping with this!

Come on! so little help… you are an artist, the shaders, the textures, the peaceful look, the hair!!! omg the hair!!! the neck, thous eyes!!!
You truly made something special, I just wish she exist in real live! she really feels alive!
(I just so envy of you!!!) in a good way haha

I really love the curly hair. I don’t remember ever seeing a 3d character with curly hair…

Published in finished projects, at last!!

michalzisman: thanks! You’re right there are very few characters with curly hair. Not sure why.