"Limit Selection To Visible" Hotkey

Hello everybody, I was wondering if there is a hotkey for limit selection to visible. Ordinarily I would just click the button in the 3D Window menu bar, but lately I’ve been taking advantage of the split areas option, and the button get cut off from view. It’s a hassle to continually rearrange my window settings just to get to that button! Is there a shortcut for this feature?


Dunno about a key, but you might be able to save some pain by middle-click-dragging ON the 3d window header (or possibly also using the mousewheel there), which will let you slide that bar around the area you have to display it.

simply go to full screen with your view port then back
with CTRL arrow up and then Ctrl arrow down

with the 4r arrows together on your keyboard


ahh, thanks. I should’ve thought of the full screen thing, and that scrolling will come in handy. Muchas gracias
