Limited Time Free Site Advertising Offer

I am launching an advertising type site in the next few weeks, I want to offer members of this community FREE banner advertising. This offer is limited to the prelaunch of the site (ie. before it opens). Banners must be 468x60, and served from your own webspace. It doesn’t matter if you are or are not selling anything, it’s mainly about letting more people know about blender, and showing off it’s users. This offer is limited to 100 people, the number of impressions depends on how many people respond. However it will not be less then 1,000 . The banners will run in random rotation at the top of each page on the site.


im interested [email protected]

Cool, I’ll make a banner for The Exodus
I’ll email you with a link to in tomorrow :smiley:

ok so can i ask,

why are you putting banners on, i mean people don’t really click on them!!!

it just seems like its a bit out dated for internet advertising.

but i dunno


well, its worth a try…i’ll try to see if a friend can make a banner for MagiPixel

Actually you are wrong, people do click on them. Also I’m not just going to use the banners for banner impressions, I will be adding some to the paid to click section of the site. PTC (paid to click) is guaranteed vistors. If you have an banner that gets peoples attention they will click on it, thats how advertising works.

banners will run at this site, there are some banners already running, there is one there for Saluk at the moment.

email sent Fasoft,

anyone wanting to send banners, email to: [email protected]

please use the following format:

![ or gif only)]( or gif only))


ok sweet.

so they are free right??


For this time only, I will be covering the cost of the paid to click banners. This is a ONE time only, pre site launch offer. If anyone chooses to advertise after this offer expires there will be a cost involved.

Before somone says anything (like Dogs in BlenderChat):

I’m not trying to ‘trick’ anyone into using this site later on, I’m just trying to give you all some free advertising. NO ONE is obligated to do this again after this offer expires.

THIS COST YOU NOTHING RIGHT NOW! Later is a different story.

Thanks for everyone’s response so far, I will be opening the site in the next few days, for the prelaunch. The site will not offically launch until it has 500 members, or August 10th, which ever comes first. So you all have until then to get me your banners if you are interested

how long does this offer last?

a day? week? month? year? century? until the launch?

Offer expires when 100 people take me up on it, or the site is out of prelaunch. Prelaunch started 2 hours ago, and will continue until I have 500 members, or August 10th, which ever comes first. I will let everyone here know when it ends.

So we can get free advertising during prelaunch, but once the site actually launches we have to pay?

To summarise: “You can have it for free until it works - then you pay”

WRONG, if I give away advertising I don’t make anything from that, how do I pay the members of the site that look at it? I wanted to give blender and it’s users some exposure, simple. The time limit is basically when it ends, now the advertising will probly go on after the site offically launches. But me giving it for free will not. I need banners before then, so I can put them up. It’s a time frame on when I’m giving it away. If you don’t want it, fine. But those that do, it’s there for the taking, simple. The site fully works, everything on it. I also have member there now, last time I checked it was about 45 and rising quickly. One or 45 of them might say hey that looks cool, wonder what it is, click . Go to the site , there are banner running now. Go to each page, guess what it’s a different banner.

Edited to add:

The prelaunch is to get members thats all it is, and to give me time to get more advertisers for email advertisements. I’m not going to say hey it’s (just picking a # here) $5 to send an email to all members, if I only have 100 members thats not fair to the advertisers, but if I have like 500 members then it is more fair to the advertisers. Make sense? The only difference with the prelaunch and the launch is that I will NOT be sending out paid email advertisments. When it launches is when I send out paid emails.

Hello again,

Just wanted to say that the site has 199 members currently (in 1 weeks time), and is being advertised by other sites all over the net. Offer is still open to anyone interested in getting visitor’s to there sites.

There were a few people that said they would take me up on the offer, but I havn’t heard from them. If you are interested send an email to [email protected]

i would love to but my site aint finished yet.
already got free .tk name and 500mb free webspace this is a crazy year for free stuff.

Thanks X-warrior for your banner, your banner has been added and is showing up. Anyone else interested?