limiting vertice movement on all axes.

Its been a while since I’ve had a question, but hey, a guy has gotta learn what he has gotta learn.

Situation: I have a group of vertices that I would like to ‘lock-down’ and limit them from moving on any axis. I could have sworn I’ve seen it done with constraints, but I can’t seem to do it.

Question: how can I lock these vertices down?

For Editing or Animation?


Just Editing.

I want to lock these vertices, which are in very specific places (too numerous for me to remember each one) and have to stay there. I don’t want to inadvertently move them while modeling and thus make the features of the second floor and first floor the building not match up.

Oh yeah, its a building, rather detailed too, that I’m making.

Just select them and hide them with H. Alt-H to unhide.


well…that only helps when I’m NOT using them. However, I often have to connect the vertices together with new ones…so…any other method, or do I just have to be really, really, really, careful.

Make a vertex group with these vertices in, after you have selected a group of vertices,if you think that your selection will have the ones that you dont want to be moved,click on desel. and they will be removed from your selection.

Hazza, thats a great idea! Thank you.