LineArt stroke modifier corners

I’m testing out Lineart to see if I can get it to work for the look of a logo animation. I’m having an issue getting sharp corners though, so I’m coming here for some advice.

I’m just using a cylinder for now, with an orthographic camera, straight on the side of the cylinder. With lineType as Line, I can get the lines I want, but you can see here that the sharp corners of the contour aren’t sharp and the 4 lines I added by marking some edges as freestyle edges also have rounded butts. I need square butts!

If I change the material stroke from line to squares I get corners, but I can’t find a way to control the spacing.

It Seems like the stroke is just adding a mesh tube to everything in the same way it might with a curve. Is there a way to control the resolution of that? If I can change it to just 4 sides that might give the look I’m after.

I’m guessing there is some easy way to do it and I just don’t know the correct term or menu so I’m not able to search properly for it.

In 4.3 there is a material with square lines stroke. If you add a second Line Art modifier with Square Strokes Material and fiddle with thickness and/or offset (just maybe) you will get a sharper result.
EDIT: I did not notice you already know about squares, i’m sorry.