Well I started using Blender a couple days ago(Finally…) and I really wanted to create a Link model. So I made the sword and Shield, and then jumped into the Actual model. It took me a couple days, and then I finished. Good and dandy.
However, Rigging seems to be where the nightmare really is. I think it has to do with where my vertices are and stuff like that, but I really need to rig and animate him. Is his mesh really bad? Am I going to have to recreate a Link with better Mesh?
Problem: Rigging gets majorly deformed.
If you have any critisism, please tell me. Also tell me things and tools I can use to maybe make the verts more aligned or better, more efficient ways to do things. I kinda went solo on this model.
Thanks for including the .blend file.
I see, there are several issues with your mesh model.
You should ‘Apply’ the mirror modifier before adding the armature.
There are lot of double vertices, you can remove those from Special Menu [W] > Remove Doubles. But still, when you look at the legs you see one mesh intersecting/overlapping with other. (If your render [F12] your character, you’ll get to know what I mean)
I know it’s just a WIP but to be straightforward, your mesh is poorly structured now.
It’s good to know that you want to try rigging and finally animate your character.
But, before that you should have a good understanding of mesh deformation while rigging.
Learn about the basic topology, this will give you an idea where to add more geometry (for examples, at joints you need to have more loop cuts).
A friendly suggestion or advice would be: Spent some more time in learning the basics of mesh modelling (specially organic characters).
And remember, these basics applies to each and every 3D applications out there.
You can’t be a ‘solo’, there are several tutorials and references in this section on web. You can start from blendercookie.com
Don’t lose hope, keep up the hard work. Cheers mate!!