Linked objects?

Hey guys i have imported an .obj model into blender as I’m still a massive noob and Im much better at modeling in other programs, but my issue is if i select a part of the model (for example a turret) it selects all the other turrets and i cant delete/modify it without modifying all the other turrets that are the same. if i select just one piece of the turret, all of the other identical parts are selected too. How do i go about un-linking or un-joining it, or what ever i need to do, so i can delete/ modify one of the objects without doing it to all the others?

You can split selected vertices to new objects by selecting the vertices in edit mode and pressing P.

If they are really linked objects then you can make them single users with U in object mode

If that doesn’t work, show us and attach/post a link to your blend file.

Pressing P works in edit and selecting by loose parts… thank you

one more thing, for example one turret is made of multiple objects, now i tried ungrouping them but that just made them go from a green outline to an orange outline when selected, but how do i break it down to just make all the objects into one so i can just click on the one object and the whole turret is selected instead of having to select all the tiny individual items? and so i can just edit the thing as one piece? i hope that makes sents… again, thanks

i tried ungrouping them but that just made them go from a green outline to an orange outline

Even when objects are grouped, they maintain their individual selectivity, unlike 3DSMax.

To achieve 3DSMax like group in Blender all you need to do is add a Group Instance (SHIFT-A in 3D viewport) of the group you want to act as one object to the scene. This will, of course, give you two copies of the objects in the scene so move the originals that make up the group to an undisplayed layer (M-Key in 3D viewport).

Cool…Im liking blender more and more now… Thanks for the help guys.